Meet Your Maker: Tia, Travelers Cloak Manuscripts // Interview

Travelers Cloak Manuscripts founder Tia talks to me about starting her business, lessons she has learned from her first project, The Astronomy Tower, and what is in store for the future of her company. I’m sure you’ll agree that she has had a fascinating journey and I look forward to seeing what comes next. Enjoy the interview!

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi! I’m Tia Mushka and I live in the beautiful South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. I am currently lucky enough to be able to run Travelers Cloak Manuscripts as a full-time business. I got onto a ‘Start Your Own Business’ program through the Nova Scotia government which gave me seed money, business lessons, and a mentor.

I previously worked as a middle school teacher in a Waldorf School (Steiner in the UK), which has a very hands-on curriculum based on storytelling and the arts. I am currently the one and only chief cook and bottle washer here, but often my husband and sometimes my kids will help me with cutting, folding and sticking things on when I have a big mail out. I write all the storylines as well as illustrate and design the puzzles for the games. 

In my spare time, you will find me riding my bicycle along the ocean, reading mystery novels, or trying out new recipes for dinner.

Was it always your intention to create games?

I originally wanted to publish a narrative-only form of storytelling through the mail with maps and illustrations.  I had been trying to break into the publishing industry for a few years with several novels in progress, attending many writing conferences and workshops. So while I was working on that, I decided to write shorter stories that could be told through the mail and feature objects to interact with. However, once I discovered how much I loved designing escape rooms, I decided to include a hidden puzzle to solve within each chapter. I just really wanted a storytelling experience that felt like you were part of the story.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I love history, especially anything mysterious from the past. I also love archaeology and ancient civilizations. The Astronomy Tower is set in Italy, where I’ve travelled three times. I found it so inspiring that I wanted the stories in Travelers Cloak Manuscripts to be all about travelers and finding lost things. As well as that, finding things within yourself and bringing back wonder to the world.

The Astronomy Tower is your debut game. Can you tell us what it’s about and what subscribers can expect to receive?

The Astronomy Tower is set in a strange villa in Italy that was once inhabited by the famous Astronomer, Galileo Galilei. While there, he made some astonishing discoveries in the night sky and hid them inside the tower. In the story, which comprises 13 chapters, you get to visit a strange garden, heist a museum, attend a village festival, rummage through a telescope shop and try out a little alchemy. I really wanted to make a high-quality product with beauty and mystery in every item, so each envelope comes with different materials.

Is it possible to ‘try before you buy’ for anyone unsure if they want to commit to a full subscription?

I don’t currently have that option, but it is something I would like to offer. I am trying to figure out a way to do that which would be satisfying for the customer as I have designed puzzles to be easier at the beginning and get more complex throughout the game. I plan to have that option available for my next adventure, The Lost Queen.

What does the game development process look like for a subscription game?

The way I designed The Astronomy Tower started with places I wanted the story to be set in.  Then I had to find a way for the story to go there. I have so many ideas in my head that I first have to sort through them all and choose the right one for the feel of the story in each chapter. The puzzles were often designed first and then I added the story later, which I found sometimes didn’t work out the way I had envisioned. I had to change things as I progressed through the chapters, including the ending which I think I changed at least five times! Very stressful!

The next project is already completely written story-wise, so I will be reversing the process. I hope things will go much smoother that way.

Do you do all the artwork yourself or do you work with other artists?

I am the sole illustrator of any original art pieces, however, I also design work in Canva, so other artists are involved through that platform.

What lessons have you learned from The Astronomy Tower that will feed into your future work?

I always tell people that I wouldn’t have believed how much I have learned in this first year of business. From new computer and business skills to organisational and goal-setting strategies, it is amazing to look back and see how I just threw myself into this business. Sometimes I drowned and sometimes I floated; it has been a wild ride that is for sure. Some important lessons I have learned are having multiple testers and copy editors for each chapter/puzzle, deepening my storytelling skills and setting big-picture plans as a priority.

For subscribers that are up to date, The Astronomy Tower has just reached its conclusion. Can you tease anything about your next game, The Lost Queen?

I am so excited about The Lost Queen. It is an archaeological story and Lara Croft has been a big inspiration for this one. It is set in Morocco and inspired by a historical desert queen who led a tribe in the Sahara desert centuries ago. And yes, we will be finding her tomb as well as getting lost in a souk, meeting with a geologist, riding on a camel and visiting The Blue City. I travelled through Morocco on a bicycle two years ago and the country is so full of colour and scents and adventure.

There are some recurring characters from The Astronomy Tower, but also two new ones who take centre stage. You get to learn a bit more about the map Haven stole in the last adventure as well. 

The Lost Queen will be available only as a subscription at first until all the chapters are in production. Although I do plan on having a Christmas Bundle that will be like a mini-experience for people wanting to try out The Lost Queen.

Do you get a chance to play any puzzle/mystery games yourself? If so, what are your favourites?

Yes! I absolutely loved Neil Patrick Harris’ Box One. It was such a delight and surprise. I also love the Curious Correspondence Club, who are fellow Canadians. They were such fun and I was very inspired by their storytelling and puzzle designs. They are very ingenious in their engineering! Journal 29 is also one of my favourites.

Any final words?

I am really thankful to all the people who have tried out my adventures and for the appreciation and support they give me. It has been so lovely to interact with people who love the things that I do and hear their feedback and kind notes of encouragement and thankfulness. It makes this whole thing worth doing!

Thank you!

Thanks so much to Tia for her insight into Travelers Cloak Manuscripts. Her first game, The Astronomy Tower, is available to buy now.

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