
I am keen to help promote new games and experiences to my audience. There are several ways I can help:


I have a wealth of experience playing puzzle games in their many forms. If you’d like me to playtest one of your upcoming games, drop me an email at with more details and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Please make it clear how quickly you will require feedback.



I am always happy to play and review new games & experiences in exchange for an honest review. My main focus for reviews is the following:

  • Tabletop Puzzle and Mystery Games (including Print and Play)
  • Murder Mystery and Detective Games
  • Escape Rooms
  • Immersive Experiences

Don’t be discouraged from emailing if you are a smaller independent company, I’d love to hear from you! Please drop me an email at and we can discuss this further. You can see examples of my reviews on this site.

Crowdfunding promotion

If you have a new game, puzzle book or experience launching soon on a crowdfunding platform, get in touch! I may be able to feature a link on the website and/or write a preview to launch around the same time as the campaign.


  • I will always clearly indicate if a game has been provided in exchange for an honest review.
  • As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not influence my reviews or recommendations.

Crowdfunding Soon

The Roman Rivalry
History Mysteries
Launch TBC

Let’s connect

If you have a game or in-person experience that you would like me to review, or would like your crowdfunding campaign to be featured on the site, please get in touch at